
Monday, 31 May 2021

T2 Kete Shepherd

  Hi so the last 3 weeks we have learn and here it is and Kate shepherd was the one that made women to vote and do work so she is the reasoning that women now vote.

Kate Shepherd

  1. Where was Kate Shepherd born?

Liverpool, England 1847

  1. Why do you think Kate Sheppard was placed on the New Zealand $10

She was Inspired so much that now women can now vote. 

  1. Women’s Chess Team United.

  1. Women’s Champion Tennis union.

  1. Women’s Christian Temperance Union. 

  1. Wellington Cheese Tasting Union.

It is C 

      4. What are three actions Kate Sheppard took in her quest for women to have the right to vote?   

She travelled allover New Zealand so she can talk to some women and some men and women they agreed but some men want women to stay at home and do all of the work so then the men come home they get to do noting.

She inspired women so that is why she is on the New Zealand 10$ because she inspired.  

          True or False 

  1. Kate Sheppard was born 1847.


  1. Australia was the first country to allow women to vote.


  1. Nearly 32,000 signatures were collected in Sheppard's petition.


  1. Kate Sheppard’s image in on the New Zealand $20 note. 


1 comment:

  1. hi Paton it's Isaiah i like this blog very much the only thing that's wrong is the title it say Kete sheppard instead of Kate sheppard so yeah other then that it's pretty good


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